Starting from a blank page or looking at enhancing your existing R&D? Partner with Epigene Labs to find the smarter and faster path forward

Whether you’re building discovery programs from the ground up or seeking to optimize the development of your existing assets, Epigene Labs offers a smart, efficient route to advance your immuno-oncology programs, across the biopharma R&D value chain.

Drug discovery and drug positioning pipeline

Identify the most promising drug targets

  • Which target is most suitable for my indication? 
  • What is the optimal target for my drug modality? 
  • Among my targets of interest, which should be prioritized?

Select your patient population, and identify your indication

  • What is the best indication for my drug?
  • What is the best clinical strategy for my patient population? 
  • How to optimize the commercial life cycle of my commercial medicine?
  • How far could my label expansion go?

Define biomarkers to monitor your drug through clinical development

  • How to identify the most relevant gene signature to stratify my patient population?
  • What optimization can be performed for our gene signature to be translatable?